Sarvarbek Azimov
Singer, composer, arranger and sound producer.
Creator and founder and lead singer of the popular group in Uzbekistan
is "Benom". This group is a project of the famous Central Asian label of "Tarona Records".
Sarvar Azimov - the founder of "Benom Media Production", engaged in writing music
composition and video works, as well as the creation of new styles and trends for
Uzbek pop stars. Label "Benom Media" has successfully established itself as
the leading experts in the music industry.
Sarvar's childhood dream was to be an actor. Parallel to the music, carried away by the movie,
he began to write the script of a different nature. In 2014 it carried out a childhood dream
Sarvar and it plays a major role in the Uzbek own movie script "Yurak yig'lar",
which translated into English means "The heart is crying". After the release of the film,
Sarvar decided to devote himself, in addition to music and film industry.
The plans for the release of his new movie with stunning and for original scripts.
It is worth noting that Sarvar Azimov is the author of many popular songs of Uzbek pop stars.
Such as : Shaxzoda , Rayhon Lola Sagdiana , Muniz Rizaeva , Davron Ergashev , Sardor Rahimhon ,
Ulugbek Rakhmatullaev , SHahrier , Gulsanam Mamazoitova, Jasur Gaipov, Shakhlo Akhmedova,
Parviz , Zarina Nizomiddinova , Asal Shodiyeva , Shoira Otabekova , Yodgor Mirzajonov and many others .
Kamil Fazilov
The singer, poet, composer, arranger, songwriter, and actor beatmaker.
The founder and lead singer of the popular Uzbek youth group "Benom".
This group is one of the most commercially successful projects known
in Central Asia, the label of "Tarona Records".
He is co-founder of the brand "Benom Media Production", engaged
in writing music composition and video works, as well as the creation
of new styles and trends for Uzbek pop stars.
Kamil from childhood dreamed of becoming an actor and play a major role of Romeo.
In 2014, his dream comes true on a movie, and he plays a major role Bekhruz, dramatic
film "Yurak yig'lar"(The heart is crying), filmed on the script, co-written with Sarvar Azimov.
In collaboration with Sarvar Asimov created more than two hundred songs, mostly in the
genre of love poetry, many of them became hits, award-winning and wildly popular with
audiences of all ages. Author and performer not only his, but also many well-known songs
by popular artists of Uzbek shou business. Such as: Shakhzoda, Rayhon, Lola, Munisa Rizaeva,
Davron Ergashev, Sardor Rakhimkhon, Shakhriyor, Gulsanam Mamazoitova, Jasur Gaipov,
Shahlo Akhmedova, Parviz, Asal Shodiyeva, Shoira Otabekova, Yodgor Mirzajonov,
Sherbek Shodiev and many others
Contact the group by Benom